Lala's Over the Knee Boot
she purchased
at a reasonable price from
Yesss. I said it. BAKERS.
Lala Vazquez sported a pretty fly OTK boot
that she twitpic'd the other day
had all her female followers inquiring:
Where the heck did she get that boot?
Its great to see celebs shop in places where the normal girl would shop.

Bakers "Farrah" Over the Knee Boot
4 7/8" heel and 1 1/8" platform;
Round toe, inside zip closure, and made out of
Synthetic Material
which might make it a Hit or Miss for some of you,
but if you're an animal lover then this boot is fly
and PETA friendly! Yessssss!
Lets not forget wallet friendly:)
WAS: $159.95 NOW: $149.00
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