Jcrew describes there Harper crackle-metallic platform heels as a distressed crackly vintage look. The 3 5/8 inch heel has a hidden ¼ inch platform which makes them a practical purchase that you would actually want to wear. With that said, we are hereby declaring gold the new neutral because we can’t think of any color or fabric that you can’t crush these with. Think cream cashmere, a silk purple dress, or a crisp white tee & skinny denim, the possibilities are endless….

The sister heel, the Joley crackle-metallic peep toes is now on clearance if you didn’t get a chance to crush them this summer. When paired with a red polished pedicure, the city streets will be your runway. Make sure to snap up your pair now because these 3 inch heels will be a classic piece for summers to come….
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